Here’s a lazy liner that I cooked up to rip music from – simply replace the URL variable with the page that contains the music and it will dump the music using wget with an MP3 extension!
url=”″; IFS=$’\n’;title=();id=();for i in `GET $url | grep FlashVars | egrep -o “[0-9]{4}” | cut -b 30-`; do id=( “${id[@]}” “$i” ); done; for j in `GET $url | egrep -o “<h2><a href=[[:print:]]{1,} title=[[:print:] ]{1,}>[[:print:] ]{1,}</a></h2>” | cut -d\” -f4`; do title=( “${title[@]}” “$j”); done; for (( k = 0 ; k < “${#id[@]}” ; k++ )); do wget -O”${title[$k]}.mp3″${id[$k]}; done;
1 Comment
Dude… When I search for MixRiot this is showing up in Google. Just FYI