Obama Promises Spending, Budget Increase in Science


Good news for us unemployed engineering majors, like me. Obama has put plans into motion to move major funding into science and research. Hopefully, some of the change he promised will start to show. Click here for the link

Funding for the National Institutes of Health, Department of Energy, NASA, and the Environmental Protection Agency will all increase substantially, although details remain scarce. Combined with the billions doled out in the stimulus package, government scientific agencies will be better funded than they have been in recent memory, if Congress doesn’t change Obama’s plans too much.

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Obama to back return to Moon – Horray!

Looks like the US Space program is going to get a healthy boost in budget to fund further “human exploration” activities. This is good, for a while I was worried Obama was going to cut the space program to save money.

But on Wednesday, the US House of Representatives passed an omnibus bill to fund NASA for 2009. It calls for a $360 million increase in the agency’s human exploration budget, which includes $2.9 billion for the Constellation programme. NASA’s science budget would decline $200 million from 2008 levels. The US Senate is now considering the bill.

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