God of War III GDC Video
This came up on Digg today. I was a huge fan of God of War and God of War II, as well as the mini that they had for the PSP, so I’m looking forward to this version. Bad news is that it is probably going to be for the Playstation 3, something I do not have yet
Pistons Whizzing at 10000 RPM
Ever wondered what it would look like? A few folks decided to unbolt the cylinder head on a beat up Rover and tow it along in gear…along with some clutch dumps at speed. Too bad the engine seized up at the end, but interesting and funny at the same time!
Extreme Sheep Herding
Extreme sheep herding, using lots o’ sheep, a large helping of skill, and some LED lights to make a rather amazing display!
Crisis of Credit Explained
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Came upon a great website the other day that explained the credit crunch very well. The video was done by Jonathan Jarvis – a media designer and animator. His video was done with stunning animation and a great narration that explains the problem with the economy today, and how we got here. Highly recommended video – you can see the video on the website he created to explain it all, here.
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in theMedia Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
Dreamcast Mod Re-Incarnates iMac G3
As a fan of the original Dreamcast, I find my self going back and reaching into the cabinet to play those games that were so much fun back in the day. Soul Calibur, Shenmue, and Crazy Taxi were among my favorates. Thats why I liked this mod so much – rip apart a old [mostly] useless iMac G3 (I have a PowerMac G3 as a router at home, so not so useless after all) and stuff the internals of a Dreamcast in it, complete with working display and controller ports! Click here for the mod, or click “Read More” to see all the photos, sourced from the original modder himself!
I had a couple G3’s laying around, and for some reason I had a 15″ LCD monitor. As I was cleaning up my workshop, these to things were sitting beside each other, the LCD looked to be about the same size. So I started taking shit apart. Dropped about 100 pounds of CRT monitor out of the iMac, and in went the LCD, fit just perfect